I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


This is the part where Time Traveller is trapped under the dark hole with the Morlocks.


This is the part where Time Traveller (the middle person) is telling his visitors about his travel to the future. But no one is believing what he's saying. All of them are thinking of other things.

Illustrations for Bonus Points

This is the illustration for Chapter 11, where Time Traveller sees all the gigantic creatures and the dead sun.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Book Review- The Time Machine

I have read the book ‘The Time Machine’ written by H. G. Wells. This book is about a man named ‘Time Traveller’ inventing a time machine and traveling into the future. He lost his time machine and he tries to find it so that he could go back to the year where he lived. He meets a creature named Weena, and she helps him get through the troubles and leads him to where his time machine is. Time Traveller and Weena get attacked by some carnivorous creatures and Weena disappears. Finally, he finds his time machine, and he travels to another year. Even though he goes back to where he was, he packs all the researches and his camera, and he leaves for another journey to the future.

I really liked and enjoyed reading this book because H. G. Wells was such a wonderful descriptor. He was able to describe really well about the strange creatures that lived in the future time and food they ate like the fruits. I also liked the part where Time Traveller is attacked by the carnivorous monsters because I could imagine him fighting and suffering in the darkness with the monsters seizing his neck and legs. I strongly recommend this book to all scientific fiction lovers and those who love to read novels.

There was a sub-plot in the story which was becoming friends with Weena. After losing his time machine, Time Traveller was left alone with some strange creatures that spoke languages that he did not understand. He becomes more and more tired and feels lonely everyday. Then, when Weena was with him, he felt more secured and he had someone to talk with everyday. Weena also lead him to the truths behind all the secrets in that simple yet complex society. When she mysteriously disappears after they get attacked by the carnivorous creatures, Time Traveller again starts to feel empty and alone in the strange world.

When I read other people’s spiritual dimension essay, most of them said that H. G. Wells is not a religious person because he believes in some certain things that the religious people do not believe in. In the book of ‘The Time Machine’, H. G. Wells presented theories about traveling through the time dimension, and he reveals his thoughts about the ‘evolutionary theory’ through the creatures that lived in the future- the Elois and the Morlocks. So I believe and agree to the ideas that H. G. Wells is not a religious person.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Links about H.G. Wells...

Here are some links about H.G. Wells:

This link contains H. G. Wells' Biography:

This link talks about a lot of different things about the novel, 'The Time Machine'.

This link talks about the life of H. G. Wells and some of his famous novels:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Imaginary Interview- Mr. Time Traveller

Good evening everyone and welcome to the 'Bookworms' Show'! My name is Judy, and I am your host for today. Today we invite the genius character of the book, 'The Time Machine'. This man invented the first time machine in the whole world. Surprisingly, there are rumors saying that this man has travelled through time for three years although noone really believes them. So we will find the behind-story for all the rumors and just before we do that, let's invite our guest for today, Mr. Time Traveller!

Mr. Time Traveller: Hello! Good evening to everyone!

Judy: Hi, there! I have some questions to ask of you tonight. My first question is how did you feel when you saw the Elois for the first time?

Mr. Time Traveller: Well, the first thing that just popped out on my mind was that I thought they were beautiful. They all had fair complexions and deep dark eyes that just captured my attention. It's a weird thing that I did not fall in love with one of them. (laugh) And they gave me a bunch of flowers, when it was our first time seeing each other. I thought they were very kind creatures not until they left me. I guess they got bored being with me.

Judy: What about Weena? Did you like her?

Mr. Time Traveller: Yes, of course! She was the most adorable creature I have ever met. I felt like she was my daughter or something. (smiling)

Judy: Let's go to the next question. When you saw the Elois letting Weena get drowned, how did you feel about the Elois?

Mr. Time Traveller: Oh, yeah, I thought that was terrible! I hated those Elois that time. How could they ignore a child drown like that? Honestly, I thought they were very dumb and ignorant. If I didn't help Weena, she really could have drowned and died. And she could have been eaten by the Morlocks.

Judy: How did you feel when you realized that you lost your time machine?

Mr. Time Traveller: I was so scared that I might not be able to go back to where I was. I was afraid that I will live in this place until I die. And you see, I'm a forty-five year old man. I'm old like a grandfather now. I will die after few years, and I absolutely didn't want to spend the last years of my life in that dumb, empty place with those childish creatures! (shouting) Oops, forgive me if I scared you.

Judy: (startled) Okay, then let's go to the next question. How did you feel when you first met the Morlocks?

Mr. Time Traveller: Well, when I met the Morlocks for the first time, I thought they were cute little white creatures who were just scared of some lights. I also thought they were just shy because they kept hiding behind objects. But I came to hate them from the day I realized that they were carnivorous and ate the Elois. I was such a fool.

Judy: When you were trapped inside the iron door with your time machine, you thought that you could chase the Morlocks away because you had your matches. How did you feel when you just realized that matches don't work without match box?

Mr. Time Traveller: (laughing) I thought that was the most stupid thing I ever did! How could I not thought of that before I went in the iron door? I was quite scared because I could feel the Morlocks touching my neck and lurking around me. But I knew that I will be safe because my time machine was with me. I could just fix the lever and I could just disappear through the time.

Judy: When you were gone to the future for three years, what did you do in there?

Mr. Time Traveller: I went back to where Weena and I used to walk around, and I took some pictures of the beautiful scenery. I also took notes and pictures about the Elois. I also managed to take some pictures of the Morlocks because I brought a big lamp with me. So basically, for three years I took notes and pictures of the future creatures. And I didn't have the time and stamina to go back to the year where there was no sun, and to be honest, I hated that place.

Judy: Have you ever regret yourself for making the time machine?

Mr. Time Traveller: Yes, I did when I almost died be the Morlocks in the darkness. But right now, I'd say 'no'. I learned a lot of things when I travelled to the future. I got to see things that others can't.

Judy: Do you think you can sell the time machines to other people?

Mr. Time Traveller: Absolutely not! Well, I always thought of selling the time machine to my friends, but this can be very dangerous. Some of them might transfer incurable diseases from the future. Some people might die by the Morlock, too. There might be some people who will get lost or lose their time machine. You see, this can cause a lot of troubles. I don't want to get in trouble!

Judy: Okay, well, that's scary. Anyway this is your last question: do you have anything to say to those who don't believe that you travelled through time?

Time Traveller: If anyone of you is believing what I'm saying, then I just have to make sure that you don't steal my time machine. For those people who don't believe me, that's too bad. You don't get to see all the pictures I took when I was in the future.

Judy: Okay, Mr. Time Traveller, I thank you so much for coming to our show and answer all my questions. I hope to see you again. Bye!

Mr. Time Traveller: I hope to see you, too. Bye! (suddenly vanishes)

The Time Machine- Chapter 12

Time Traveller comes back to his normal life and finishes the story he was telling but no one really believed him. The narrator visits Time Traveller's house again to ask him if his story of time travelling was true. Time Traveller tells the narrator that he has something to do before he talks with him and goes back to his laboratory. When the narrator goes to the lab to tell that he has to go for a meeting, he finds that Time Traveller disappeared with the notebooks and camera. In the end the narrator tells that the Time Traveller has never returned for three years.