I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Time Machine- Chapter 12

Time Traveller comes back to his normal life and finishes the story he was telling but no one really believed him. The narrator visits Time Traveller's house again to ask him if his story of time travelling was true. Time Traveller tells the narrator that he has something to do before he talks with him and goes back to his laboratory. When the narrator goes to the lab to tell that he has to go for a meeting, he finds that Time Traveller disappeared with the notebooks and camera. In the end the narrator tells that the Time Traveller has never returned for three years.


littlegreenducky said...

You finished your book! Yay! Very nice summaries. :] Have fun writing your review and interview.

Anonymous Scout said...

I'm glad that you finished the book.

Why do you sometimes say "Time Traveller" and other times say "the Time Traveller"? Is this done in the original text?

You need to fix your introductory adverb clause in your next to last sentence.

Young Samurai said...

Nice job with this. As Mr.H said, be careful woth your wording. All in all very good, and be prepared to write an excellent summary!

Angelo Sisante said...

Now you only have to do the review and the spiritual dimensions. I think the last sentence may be a grammatical mistake though. So look into that and work hard on your review!