I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Time Machine- Chapter 8

In this chapter Time Traveller and Weena goes into the Palace of Green Porcelain. The building had interior like a huge gallery. They found fossils of Elois and some extinct creatures. Deeper, they saw some more galleries of mineralogy and colossal figures. While looking at all these figures and galleries he heard some noise down the dark hall and that was then he realized that there might be some Morlocks living.

He went to a building beside the Great Porcelain which also looked like a gallery. In there he found a box of match that would protect them from the Morlocks. He danced with Weena in the museum. He also found a jar of camphor (flammable liquid) and a crowbar that might help him open the pedestal door. He saw many weapons but he could not carry them all. After sometime exploring the gallery, he finally found some useful weapons- dynamites. As the evening came, Time Traveller planned that he will spend the night at the gallery with may be some fire beside him, and tomorrow he will blow out the bronze door.

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