I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Time Machine- Chapter 5

In this chapter, Time Traveller finds himself in a terrible situation, in which he loses his time machine. He tries to find them all day and night long but he only tires himself out. The next day, he discovers that his machine might be hidden in a pedestal of the sphinx building. He gets mad and tries to threat one of the creatures but because of their innocent faces, he realizes that he was wrong. After he did that, many of the creatures began avoiding him and disliking him.

Time Traveller calms himself down and tries to find clues for finding his machine. He finds a well that is half covered with pillows. He finds out the there might be some kind of ventilationg system within the society connected to the buildings. The next day, he saves a female creature from drowning in the lake. She was one of the Elois names 'Weena' and she becomes friends with Time Traveller. One day he goes into abandoned building and meets another kind of creature called Morlocks who only lives in the dark places. He follows it into the well and finds that they live underground. He gets more curious and asks Weena about it but whenever he asks about them, she starts crying and runs away from him. The reactions of Weena make Time Traveller more curious.


Alice Hurston said...

wow great job! you are making good progress!

Joshua Winkler said...

Oh, just a few more, you said, "The reactions of Weena makes." I should be, "The reactions of Weena make." You said, "She became friend," but is should be, "she became friends."

JUDY said...

Thank you for fixing grammar, Josh! ^-^