I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Time Machine- Chapter 3

During dinner time, Time Traveller told his guests about what happened when he went travel to the future. When he pulled the lever of the machine to start, he felt as if he was falling from a building and had very unpleasant feeling. He wanted to stop and go back. But these feeling later changed to curiosity and he continued on. He saw the sun rising up and down, the eclipse of the moon, and all these things happened in just few seconds. His laboratory started falling apart, melted, and disappeared after a moment and he saw tall and huge buildings rising up from the ground.
He pressed the stop button and looked around. Everything he saw and around him were grey. He was on the grass in a garden. In front of him was a huge building that was colored silver-gray and it looked like a sphinx, surrounded by rhododendron bushes. Looking at all these different things, he suddenly felt scared by the chaged environment. He was afraid that the people mutilated to some kind of monsters. He hold the time machine and was almost ready to go back. Suddenly he heard voices and running foot steps coming towards him.

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