I love Spongebob!

I love Spongebob!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Time Machine- Chapter 1

In chapter 1, group of people, I, Filby, Phychologist, Medical Man, Provincial Mayor, and The Very Young Man gather in a house. They talk about all these scientific theories and dimensions with the main character who does not mention his name and is only referred as the 'Time Traveller'. Time Traveller tries to convince those people to believe that they can also walk on the time dimension and travel through it. Because they did not believe what he said, Time Traveller shows them the first time machine that he made two years ago. Surprisingly, the time machine actually worked and was vanished in front of everyone watching it. Time Traveller also tells them that he is almost done making the second time machine. Chapter 1 ends when all of them go into the laboratory of Time Traveller sees what he invented.

I almost fell asleep because of the dialogue in the beginning of the chapter. But it gets really interesting when the time machine vanishes. So be patient!

1 comment:

Anonymous Scout said...

Your blog is coming along nicely! I like the link to the movie trailer.

It might sound a little less awkward if you referred to him as The Time Traveler. (Traveler only has one "l.")

"Mension" should be spelled "mention."